Sunday feels awful! I'd thought a good night's sleep in my own bed would help, and I actually slept better than usual. But the solid six hours of sleep mean I've missed a dose of Tylenol, and the pain is in full force. I'm glad to finally take a shower, but everything feels worse. The swelling has increased a bit, so I concede to applying ice for 10 minutes once each hour. The skin around my eye is tender from the swelling, and the stitch site is raw. I can feel much more pain in the bone. And when I blink, my teeth feel like they are moving. I'm sure I've been much too active, even though I've tried to stay quiet. I'd love to be able to blow my nose, but only gentle, lady like wipes are allowed. This prevents air from entering odd places created by the holes she drilled. I'm wondering if I have a sinus infection beginning, which can be expected due to the areas she affected. Vaporizers are running, and I'm monitoring it. It's snowed all day - there's not going to be a chance to get out for another day or two with this weather. I'm counting my Tylenol and wishing I had bought more. By evening, I'm spent. Early to bed, but the neighbor decides 11:30 PM is the perfect time to shovel the drive under my bedroom window and talk the entire time.
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