We are blessed in Peoria to have OSF Center for Health. The surgical unit is a wonderful place with the most caring staff, for both patients and their families. Dave and daughter Katrina sat with me while I was prepped for surgery.
Delightful outfit! (I promised you gross photos!) Great to have family with me to battle last minute nerves. Dr. came in to go over last minute details and concerns, and to put her initials over the eye to be sure she operated on the correct one.
It still felt like forever before it was time to go back for surgery, but in no time I was awake and NAUSEOUS! Very quickly, they added more medication to my IV, and that wave passed. Surgery had taken a bit more than an hour to complete, and time in the recovery room was swift also. The next few waves of nausea passed quickly. I was amazed at the lack of pain in my eye. That had been my biggest fear. It was patched, but felt fine.
In fact, the most painful time was removing the IV, as the tape used to attach it began to pull off my skin too. The nurse quickly got some adhesive remover, and made sure to send some home with us too, to remove the eye patch the next day.
Dr. came in to speak with us, and gave instructions on how to remove my stitch the next day. She had placed one stitch on my lower lid, and this was taped to my eyebrow to help the lid 'remember' where to be. Because the weather called for a blizzard, she asked if we were comfortable removing this ourselves, along with the drain tube. Katrina quickly agreed.
Still a bit queasy on the ride home, I kept my eyes shut most of the way, and was glad it was a short trip. We were home by 4 PM. Much shorter day than I anticipated!
Shortly after, Dr. Cuite called to check on me, and to ask again if I needed pain medication. She had ordered Prednisone to help stabilize thyroid issues, but recommended just using Tylenol for pain, based on negative reactions that I've had to pain meds in the past. I was a bit hesitant, but she assured me I could call at any time to get the stronger meds if I needed it - and so far I've been just fine with Tylenol. The lack of pain truly has amazed me. I had really expected a great deal more.
I made sure to eat light that evening to give my stomach a break. Because she had to work around a nerve, I do have slight numbness in my upper teeth. That is expected to heal on it's own within a few months.
Probably the most difficult part of the day was sleeping upright that evening. The recliners are downstairs in front of the TV, in the room that our dogs sleep. By midnight, Chester got up and paced about in front of my snoring husband. I got up to let Chester outside, but when we got to the door, he planted his feet, looked at the door, the chair, the lights still burning and gave me a disgusted look. Clearly, this party was over, and I was being asked to leave! As any good house guest would do, I refused and he had to put up with us tossing and turning the rest of the night.
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