By the next day after surgery, I was very anxious to get the eye patch off. I could feel eyelashes and the stitch getting caught up in the patch - very uncomfortable! Katrina works at a hospital in Joliet, so called her nurse friends for more advice. 1st step, getting all that danged tape off! I took Tylenol about an hour before we began to have the most effect.
What we let our kids do to us! Wished we had covered the windows before we started - the light was way too much for me. They quickly made it as dark as possible.
The purple line across my nose is a mark from my doctor, as well as her initials on my forehead. That's a stitch going up to my eyebrow, and the drain coming out the side.
Katrina clipped the stitch very close on one edge. A deep breath, and she pulled gently. OW!!!! One more try - no go! Finally, we figure out to wash it off a bit to release the goop, and it slides right out. The drain came out very easy, but certainly felt very odd.
Not ready to open my eye yet as I adjust to the light... When I finally did, I quickly just wanted to shut them again. Everything was overwhelming! It was like being in a 3 - D movie without the glasses. A very big concern had been double vision, and sure enough, the world is wobbly. To my delight, this doesn't last very long. Within hours, the eye seems to adjust quite well. Short range vision takes longer to return. Getting food to my mouth is entertaining! All in all, the day after surgery feels great! I'm relived to have the surgery behind me, delighted to have the patch off and over joyed to be able to see. The pain is tolerable, and bruising seems minimal to me.
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