Coats go on them and out the door. Success and quickly they want back in. Amos is happy enough, but Chester is terrified of the unzipping of the Velcro. I can't bend over long enough to get him out of the coat. I don't like having to ask for help in such a simple thing that I should be able to do quickly.
Today's face. The bruising seems to be sagging down further and I wake up very swollen in the corner of my eye, making sight a bit tricky until it subsides. More ice today - just what I want to do! The cold from outside seems to seep through everywhere, and there's really not a truly warm spot in the house.
No need to wax that eyebrow for a while after all the tape it's endured!
Today's nurse puts me on the couch and turns on the History Channel and takes away the remote control. Apparently the course of today is torture. I fall asleep to radioactive rocks and wake up to cryogenic freezing people. I suppose that was his plan. I steal his lunch. A bit more whining, and I convince him to bake cookies. What happened to my nutrition plan? Frozen cookie dough seems like a much better idea at this point.I'm bored. Healing is dull! I've figured out not to move quickly, and not to bend over. It either stays on the floor until I can find someone willing to pick it up or I can get creative in retrieval techniques. Tomorrow I need to convince the husband that laundry is a good idea. We'll need to venture out in below zero weather for my post surgery check up. A stop at Walgreen's will be in order, too, for more Tylenol. The idea of taking my bruised face out in public isn't sounding like much fun. At least I'm able to smile without as much pain.
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